Personal Information

Residence *
Do You Have Federal & Provincial Tax Exemption? *

Tax Exemption Details

Federal Tax Exemption
Federal Tax Exemption
more items
Provincial Tax Exemption
Provincial Tax Exemption
more items

Bank Reference

Do You Have A Bank Reference? *

Bank Information

Payment Options *

CanGas Propane offers many payment options to our customers. Please indicate your preference.

Credit References

Do you want to apply for credit? *
Credit References Form
Please provide two credit references.
Credit Reference 1
Credit Reference 2

Credit Agreement

I authorize CanGas Propane Partnership to make investigations of my credit standing for which this application is made, as deemed to be necessary by CanGas. Upon approval of this application for a credit account, the signature(s) on this application are deemed to constitute acceptance of the Credit Operating Agreement below.

It is agreed between the parties to this agreement as of the date first herein written that CanGas Propane Partnership will sell and deliver up Propane Partnership products, as agreed to by the personal applicant herein mentioned. The applicant agrees to pay, in accordance with CanGas published credit terms, all charges including but not limited to, service or late payment charges, delivery and pickup charges, permit and inspection fees and charges. In the event the applicant’s account is in arrears, any future purchases will be declined until the account is cleared. Balance due is payable upon receipt. For accounts past due over 30 days interest charged will be 24% per annum.

Service Information

Is CanGas Tank Already in Place from Previous Owner? *

Tank Size Requested

Delivery Schedule: (check one)

Contact your local CanGas Propane Inc. Branch to order propane. We recommend that the customer contacts us when there is 25% of propane left in the tank.
We will put you on a delivery schedule, so that when we are in your area, we will check and fill your tank as required. Customers are still required to monitor the gauge on their tank and contact us if it reaches 25%. CanGas Propane has the right to remove an account from Auto fill.

Account Settings

CanGas Propane has the ability to send your invoices and monthly statement via email or mail. Please indicate how you would like to receive your documents.
Invoices *
Monthly Statement *
How Would You Like to be Contacted? *